Elena Meßmer joins the group for her Master project - welcome.
Julian Neuner joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Joan Sander has been awarded the Kekulé Fellowship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie - congratulations.
Thomas Reuter and Robert Naumann contributed to a paper of Sven Schneider's group (Göttingen) on Triplet Carbenes with Closed-Shell Transition-Metal Substituents in Nat. Chem. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-024-01597-8.
Winald Kitzmann (now at MIT) presented a poster and Katja Heinze gave a talk at the 45th ICCC in Fort Collins (Colorado, USA).
Lukas Sorge successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Joan Sander and Moritz Förster gave talks at the 6th Ligand Design Workshop in Cologne.
Philipp Sikora presented a poster and Katja Heinze gave a talk at the 29th PhotoIUPAC in Valencia (Spain).
Maurice Schrick successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Thomas Reuter, Dimitri Zorn, Robert Naumann, Jan Klett and Christoph Förster publish a paper on A Tetracarbene Iron(II) Complex with a Long-lived Triplet Metal-to-ligand Charge Transfer State due to a Triplet-Triplet Barrier in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, accepted.
Julian Neuner successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Winald Kitzmann was awarded with the Boehringer Ingelheim Prize 2024 - congratulations!
Laura Stein successfully defended her PhD thesis - congratulations!
Toshikazu Ono from Kyushu University (Fukuoka/Japan) joins our group as visiting researcher. Welcome!
Lukas Sorge and Julian Link publish a paper on 14-Membered Macrocyclic beta-Diiminato Gold(II) – A New Member for the Gold(II) Complex Family? in Chem. Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202400924.
Laura Stein and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Luminescent Cyclometalated Chromium(III) Complexes in Organometallics 2024, 43, 1766–1774.
Anika Busch successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Marietta Goetz successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Alexandra König gave a talk and Franka Philippi presented a poster at the 3rd SPP 2102 meeting in Stuttgart.
Melanie Feucht successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Katja Heinze was elected for the DFG Review Board Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation (2024-2028).
Christoph Förster's review on The Photophysics and Applications of Molecular Rubies is now published in Adv. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 83, 111-159.
Florian Reichenauer presented a poster and Laura Stein gave an oral presentation at the 18th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in Innsbruck.
Franka Philippi and Sandra Kronenberger presented posters and Alexander Fischer and Katja Heinze gave oral presentations at the 18th Ferrocene Colloquium in Düsseldorf.
The paper Oxidative two-state photoreactivity of a manganese(IV) complex using near-infrared light by Nathan East, Robert Naumann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from JGU and MPI-P is finally out in Nature Chemistry. You can find the preprint here and the final paper on ShareIt here. This publication is highlighted as a JGU press release (German)/JGU press release (English).
The tripodal carbonyl molybdenum(0) complex and its extraordinary photophysical properties investigated by Winald Kitzmann is highlighted in the Trendbericht Anorganik 2024 Teil 2: "Nebengruppen, Bioanorganik und Koordinationschemie"
Moritz Förster joins the group for his PhD project within the CRC 1633 PCET - welcome.
Maurice Schrick, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from Finland and South Africa (group of Daniela Bezuidenhout) publish a paper on Redox Activation of Acyclic (Aryl)(Amino)Carbene Gold(I) Complexes in Organometallics 2024, 43, 69-84.
Joan Sander joins the group for the PhD project - welcome.
The Raman spectrometer has found a new home and produces highly resolved Raman spectra.
Julian Neuner joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
The CRC 1633 Pushing Electrons with Protons – Unifying Multi-Electron Redox Catalysis by Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer was approved (Spokesperson: Sven Schneider/Göttingen) and we participate with a project together with Stella Stopkowicz/Saarbrücken and Dirk Schwarzer/Göttingen.
Anika Busch joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Melanie Feucht joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Our brandnew fs-transient absorption spectrometer is up and running.
Nathan East, Robert Naumann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from JGU and MPI-P publish a paper on Oxidative two-state photoreactivity of a manganese(IV) complex using near infrared light in Nat. Chem. 2024, 16, 827–834. You can find the preprint here.
Marietta Goetz joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Moritz Förster successfully finishes his master thesis (together with Carsten Streb's group) - congratulations!
The Heinze group made a nice canoe trip on the Lahn from Weilburg to Aumenau with phantastic weather.
Jonas Grenz successfully finishes his bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Winald Kitzmann successfully defended his PhD thesis with the highest grade - congratulations!
Winald Kitzmann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from JGU, Paderborn, Stuttgart, Harvard and MPI-P publish a paper on Electronic Structure and Excited State Dynamics of the NIR-II Emissive Molybdenum(III) Analog to the Molecular Ruby in Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 15797-15808. This paper has been highlighted as a cover.
Philipp Reichert re-joins the group for his PhD thesis - welcome back!
Sandra Kronenberger got a stipend from the MPGC - congratulations!
Adrian Sauer successfully finishes his bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Alexander Fischer re-joins the group for his PhD thesis - welcome back!
Winald Kitzmann gave a talk at the Gordon Research Seminar Photochemistry 2023 and and presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference Photochemistry 2023 in Lewiston/Maine (USA).
Florian Reichenauer, Steven Sittel, Laura Stein and Winald Kitzmann presented posters at the 25th ISPPCC 2023 in Ulm. Winald Kitzmann was awarded a poster price. Congratulations! Winald Kitzmann and Katja Heinze gave oral presentations at the yISPPCC and ISPPCC, respectively.
The article of Winald Kitzmann, Alexander Fischer, Robert Naumann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from JGU, RPTU and MPI-P on A stable molybdenum(0) carbonyl complex for upconversion and photoredox catalysis in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 16597–16609 has been highlighted in ChemViews and press news JGU.
Nathan East successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Dr. Jan Klett joins our group - welcome!
Alexander Fischer successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Winald Kitzmann, Alexander Fischer, Robert Naumann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from JGU, RPTU and MPI-P publish a paper on A stable molybdenum(0) carbonyl complex for upconversion and photoredox catalysis in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, accepted.
Philipp Reichert successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
The Opatz group (JGU) and Winald Kitzmann publish a study on Substitution Effects on the Photophysical and Photoredox Properties of Tetraaza[7]helicenes in Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202301244.
Philipp Sikora gave an oral presentation at the French, Swiss and German Conference on Photochemistry, Photophysics and Photosciences CP2P’23 in Mulhouse/France.
Nathan East, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partner Christian Reber (Montreal) publish a paper on Coupled potential energy surfaces strongly impact the lowest-energy spin-flip transition in six-coordinate nickel(II) complexes in Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 9025–9034.
Franka Philippi re-joins the group for her PhD thesis - welcome back!
Winald Kitzmann gave an oral presentation at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation network meeting in Mainz visiting the Department of Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry Section hosted by Katja Heinze and Carsten Streb.
Adrian Sauer joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Jonas Grenz joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Alexandra König and Franka Philippi presented posters at the 2nd SPP 2102 meeting in Rostock.
Christoph Förster and our collaboration partner Nikos Doltsinis (Münster) publish a Quantum Chemical Study of the Pressure-dependent Phosphorescence of [Cr(ddpd)2]3+ in the Solid State in ChemPhysChem. 2023, 24, e202300165.
The group's review written in 2020 by Matthias Dorn, Nathan East, Christoph Förster, Winald Kitzmann, Johannes Moll, Florian Reichenauer, Thomas Reuter and Laura Stein on "d-d and charge transfer photochemistry of 3d metal complexes" for Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry III is now released [DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823144-9.00063-7].
Franka Philippi successfully finishes her master thesis - congratulations!
Katja Heinze has been selected as a member of the Board of Directors (2023-2026) of the Wöhler Association for Inorganic Chemistry.
Cui Wang from the group of Ute Resch-Genger (Berlin) together with Ilko Bald (Potsdam) showed that our Molecular Ruby induces strand breaks in DNA Origamis with light excitation as shown in Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202203719.
TTA upconversion by the Molecular Ruby [Cr(bpmp)2]3+ of Florian Reichenauer is highlighted in the Trendbericht Anorganik 2023 Teil 2: "Nebengruppen, Bioanorganik und Koordinationschemie".
Philipp Sikora, Robert Naumann and Christoph Förster publish a study on the Excited State Energy Landscape of Phosphorescent Group 14 Complexes Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 2489-2500. This article has been included in the 2023 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection and highlighted as a cover.
Steven Sittel and our collaboration partners from JGU/Mainz (C. Kerzig) and RPTU/Kaiserslautern (G. Manolikakes) publish a study on Visible-Light Induced Fixation of SO2 into Organic Molecules with Polypyridine Chromium(III) Complexes in Chem. Cat. Chem. 2023, 15, e202201562.
Our collaboration partners (M. Bauer/Paderborn) together with Thomas Reuter publish a study on Janus-type emission from a cyclometalated iron(iii) complex in Nat. Chem. 2023, 15, 468-474.
Alexander Fischer re-joins the group for his Master project - welcome back.
Matthias Dorn successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
The DFG funds of our collaborative research project with Oliver Wenger (Basel) and Isabelle Dixon (Toulouse) on Light-Driven Charge Accumulation based on Earth-Abundant High-Potential Photosensitizers (CA-HiPoPS) within the call “Solar-Driven Chemistry”.
Elena Meßmer successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Matthias Dorn, Christoph Förster, Robert Naumann and our collaboration partners from Stuttgart publish an article on Towards Luminescent Vanadium(II) Complexes with Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Quantum Coherence in Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 29, e202202898.
Katja Heinze will serve for another three years as a member of the advisory board of Inorganic Chemistry.
Philipp Reichert joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Elena Meßmer joins the group as HiWi - welcome.
Paul Kadereit successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Laura Stein, Christoph Förster and Cui Wang (Resch-Genger group/BAM) publish an article on Bulky Ligands protect Molecular Ruby from Oxygen Quenching in Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 17664-17670 increasing the photoluminescence quantum yields of Molecular Rubies under air to above 5 %.
Christoph Förster publishes a review on Bimolecular Reactivity of 3d Metal-Centered Excited States (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) in Chem. Phys. Rev. 2022, 3, 041302 looking at unconventional excited state reactivity of metal complexes of Earth-abundant metals with substrates.
Winald Kitzmann publishes a review on Charge-Transfer and Spin-Flip States: Thriving as Complements in Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2022, e202213207 comparing the classical photoactive [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex with the Molecular Ruby.
Sandra Kronenberger joins the group for her PhD project - welcome.
Sven Waniek successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Nathan East gave a flash oral presentation/poster and Philipp Sikora presented a poster at the 21st Conference on Inorganic Chemistry in Marburg. Philipp Sikora got a best poster award. - Congratulations.
Laura Stein gave an oral presentation at the 28. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry in Düsseldorf.
Alexandra König re-joins the group for her PhD thesis - welcome back!
Florian Reichenauer gave an oral presentation and Philipp Sikora presented a poster at the 19th KCT in Jena.
Maurice Schrick gave an oral presentation and Lukas Sorge presented a poster at the 44th ICCC in Rimini/Italy.
Nathan East, Christoph Förster and our colleagues Luca Carrella and Eva Rentschler publish a paper The full d3–d5 Redox Series of Mononuclear Manganese Complexes: Geometries and Electronic Structures of [Mn(dgpy)2]n+ in Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 14616–14625.
Franka Philippi joins the group for her Master project - welcome back.
Nathan East and Winald Kitzmann presented posters at the 24th ISPPCC in Vancouver/Canada. Winald Kitzmann got a best poster award. - Congratulations.
Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from Bayreuth publish a study on Solvent-dependent self-assembly of an amphiphilic copper(II) complex with bulky head groups in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2022, e202200341.
Elena Meßmer joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Johannes Moll, Robert Naumann, Lukas Sorge, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners publish a study on Pseudo-octahedral Iron(II) Complexes with Near-degenerate Charge Transfer and Ligand Field States at the Franck-Condon Geometry in Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202201858.
Philipp Sikora and Steven Sittel presented posters at the 28th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry in Amsterdam/Netherlands.
Paul Kadereit gave an oral presentation at the 5th Ligand Design Workshop in Cologne/Germany.
Malte Hellmann successfully finishes his bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Sven Waniek, Christian Heine, Dimitri Zorn, Taro Lieberth, Maximilian Lauck and Christoph Förster publish a study on Dicobaltocenium amine – proton, electron and H atom transfer in Organometallics 2022, 41, 2050-2058.
Winald Kitzmann gave an oral presentation at the Junge Wöhler Vereinigung für Anorganische Chemie (JuWöV).
Patrick Becker joins the group for his joint PhD project with the group of Prof. Johannes Kästner with a scholarship from the Studienstiftung - welcome.
Alexandra König successfully finishes her master thesis - congratulations!
Paul Kadereit joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Winald Kitzmann, Robert Naumann and our collaboration partners from MPI-P/Mainz publish a study on Molecular Ruby: Exploring the Excited State Landscape (Frontier article) in Dalton Trans. 2022, 51, 6519-6525. The paper is also highlighted as a cover.
Our collaboration partners from JGU/Mainz and Winald Kitzmann publish a study on Photochemical alpha-Aminonitrile Synthesis using Zn Phthalocyanines as Near Infrared Photocatalysts in J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 5630-5642.
Malte Hellmann joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Florian Reichenauer, Winald Kitzmann and our collaboration partners from JGU/Mainz and BAM/Berlin publish a study on Efficient Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion Sensitized by a Chromium(III) Complex via an Underexplored Energy Transfer Mechanism in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202202238. This publication is highlighted as a 'Hot Paper' and by a JGU press release.
Matthis Schäfer successfully finishes his Bachelor project - congratulations!
Steven Sittel and Robert Naumann publish a study on Molecular Rubies in Photoredox Catalysis in Front. Chem. 2022, 10, 887439.
Nico Blum successfully finishes his Bachelor project - congratulations!
Laura Stein, Robert Naumann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from TU/Kaiserslautern publish a study on The overlooked NIR luminescence of Cr(ppy)3 in Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 3701-3704.
Winald Kitzmann, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from BAM/Berlin publish a study on Matrix Effects on Photoluminescence and Oxygen Sensitivity of a Molecular Ruby in ChemPhotoChem 2022, 6, e202100296. This article was selected as an Editor's Spotlight published in Chemistry Europe, GDCh, and ACES journals.
Laura Stein gave an oral presentation at the Central European Conference on Photochemistry 2022 in Bad Hofgastein/Austria.
The strongly red-emissive Molecular Ruby [Cr(bpmp)2]3+ of Florian Reichenauer featuring a super-high photoluminescence quantum yield and the the ultrafast and long-time excited state kinetics of the NIR-emissive vanadium(III) complex VCl3(ddpd) of Matthias Dorn are highlighted in the Trendbericht Anorganik 2022 Teil 2: "Nebengruppen und Koordinationschemie, Bioanorganik und mehr".
Minh Thu Pham re-joins the group after her parental leave - welcome back, Thu!
Winald Kitzmann and Johannes Moll publish a review on Spin-Flip Luminescence in Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2022, 21, 1309–1331.
Johannes Moll, Alexandra König and our collaboration partners from JGU Mainz and MIP-P Mainz publish a paper on Panchromatic Absorption and Oxidation of an Iron(II) Spin Crossover Complex in Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 1659–1671.
Matthis Schäfer joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Sven Waniek and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Protic ferrocenyl acyclic diamino carbene gold(I) complexes in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2022, e202100905.
Giuseppe Bengasi was awarded the FNR Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis 2021 - congratulations.
Nico Blum joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Laura Stein, Winald Kitzmann and Florian Reichenauer presented posters and Katja Heinze gave an oral presentation at the Leopoldina Symposium: Exploratory photochemistry - Light creates structure 2021 in Halle/Germany.
Philipp Sikora joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Robert Naumann joins the group as research associate with focus on (time-resolved) spectroscopy - welcome.
Thomas Fässler, Katja Heinze, Heinrich Lang, Christian Limberg and Franc Meyer wrote an obituary for Prof. Gottfried Huttner - an inspiring and formative mentor - in Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2021, 69, 89.
Alexandra König joins the group for her Master project - welcome.
Our FLS1000 picosecond lifetime spectrometer with a tunable laser has been installed and is working.
Katja Heinze commented on manganese(I) sensitizers reported by Oliver Wenger's group from Basel in Made with manganese in Nat. Chem. 2021, 13, 926–928.
Lukas Sorge and Sven Waniek from our group contributed to the EPR and UV/Vis spectroscopy of radical cations and dications reported by the TJJ Müller group from Düsseldorf in Radical cations and dications of bis[1]benzothieno[1,4]thiazine isomers in Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 5744–5755.
Adina Muff finishes her time as trainee laboratory assistant in our lab. We wish her all the best for her future!
Laura Stein gave an oral presentation at the 4thLigand Design Workshop (virtual) in Cologne.
Florian Reichenauer and our collaboration partners from Mainz, Tübingen, Berlin, Rostock and Kaiserslautern publish a paper on Strongly Red-Emissive Molecular Ruby [Cr(bpmp)2]3+ surpasses [Ru(bpy)3]2+ in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 11843-11855.
Philipp Sikora successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Matthias Dorn and our collaboration partners from Tübingen, Rostock, Montreal and Kaiserslautern publish a paper on Ultrafast and long-time excited state kinetics of an NIR-emissive vanadium(III) complex I: Synthesis, spectroscopy and static quantum chemistry in Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 10780-10790.
Johannes Moll successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Thomas Reuter (first first author paper!) and our collaboration partners from Paderborn and Rostock publish a paper on Higher MLCT Lifetime of Carbene Iron(II) Complexes by Chelate Ring Expansion in Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 7541-7544.
Our group and our collaboration partners from Kaiserslautern publish a paper on Transient FTIR spectroscopy after one- and two-colour excitation on a highly luminescent chromium(III) complex in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 23, 13808-13818.
Our group and our collaboration partners from Paderborn, Rostock and Tübingen publish a paper on Distinct photodynamics of k-N and k-C pseudoisomeric iron(II) complexes in Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 6640-6643.
Alexander Fischer successfully finishes his Bachelor project - congratulations!
Steven Sittel joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Moritz Förster successfully finishes his Bachelor project - congratulations!
Alexander Fischer joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
The chromium(III) complex [Cr(tpe)2]3+ of Steffen Treiling featuring a super-long excited state lifetime and the vandium(III) complex [V(ddpd)2]3+ of Matthias Dorn showing dual blue and NIR-II emission are highlighted in the Trendbericht "Nebengruppen, Koordinationschemie, Bioanorganik und mehr"
Lucas Leuschner successfully finishes his bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Steven Sittel successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Matthias Dorn and Johannes Moll gave short talks at the 3rd Virtual SPP Meeting in Leipzig "Chemistry of Electronically Excited Transition Metal Complexes".
Philipp Veit successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Philipp Sikora joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Lucas Leuschner joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Moritz Förster joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Together with Oliver Wenger (University of Basel), Katja Heinze put together a collection of great articles on Light-Controlled Reactivity of Metal Complexes in the Inorganic Chemistry Forum. You can read the editorial here: Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 14627-14628.
We welcome Adina Muff as trainee laboratory assistant in our lab!
Thomas Reuter from our group contributed to the fluorescent iron(II) complexes reported by the Bauer group from Paderborn in Ground and excited state properties of iron(II) complexes linked to organic chromophores Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 14746-14761.
An electronically coupled oligoferrocene prepared by Andreas Neidlinger and Torben Kienz from our group shows superior anticancer activity as shown by the group of Andriy Mokhir in Erlangen: Organometallics 2020, 39, 3112–3120.
Winald Kitzmann has been awarded the Kekulé Fellowship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie - congratulations.
Steven Sittel joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from Berlin and Tübingen publish a paper on Near-IR to Near-IR Upconversion Luminescence in Molecular Chromium Ytterbium Salts in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1884-18808.
Giuseppe Bengasi successfully defended his PhD thesis in a Skype defense- congratulations!
Christoph Förster publishes a paper on Preparation and Thermochromic Switching between Phosphorescence and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence of Mononuclear Copper(I) Complexes in J. Chem. Ed. 2020, 97, 1644-1649.
Matthias Dorn and Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from the Department of Chemistry and from Tübingen, Kaiserslautern, Rostock and Vienna publish a paper on A vanadium(III) complex with blue and NIR-II spin-flip luminescence in solution in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 7947−7955.
Philipp Veit and Christoph Förster publish a paper on an Unexpected C-C Bond Formation with a Ferrocenyl Fischer Carbene Complex in Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2020, 646, 940-947.
Giuseppe Bengasi from our group together with our collaboration partners from LIST in Luxembourg publishes a paper on Constitution and Conductivity of Metalloporphyrin Tapes in Eur J. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 1938-1945. The paper is also highlighted as a cover.
Patrick Becker and Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from the Department of Chemistry and from Stuttgart and Kaiserslautern publish a paper on Spin Crossover and Long-lived Excited States in a Reduced Molecular Ruby in Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 7199-7204.
Johannes Moll from our group together with our collaboration partners from Berlin and Rostock publishes a paper on Green Light Activation of Push-Pull Ruthenium(II) Complexes in Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 6820-6832. The paper is also highlighted as a cover.
Johannes Moll gave an oral presentation and Thomas Reuter and Lukas Sorge presented posters at the 16th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in Freiburg.
Giuseppe Bengasi from our group together with our collaboration partners from LIST in Luxembourg publishes a paper on Molecular flattening effect to enhance the conductivity of fused porphyrin tape thin films in RSC Adv. 2020, 10, 7048-7057..
Franka Philippi successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
The review of Christoph Förster about Photophysics and Photochemistry with Earth-Abundant Metals – Fundamentals and Concepts appeared in Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 1057-1070.
The review is also highlighted as a cover in the journal Chemical Society Reviews and will be part of a themed collection on "Earth Abundant Metals in Catalysis".
Winald Kitzmann joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Max Lauck successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Laura Stein joins the group for her PhD project - welcome.
Prof. Christian Reber (University of Montreal, Canada) joins our group as guest professor. Welcome!
Saskia Bär joins the group as our new secretary - welcome.
Jessica Muziol successfully finishes her master thesis - congratulations!
Florian Reichenauer joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Shadab Gharaati and Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from Berlin publish a paper on Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in a MOF with Acceptor-filled Channels in Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 1003-1007.. The publication is also highlighted as a cover.
Winald Kitzmann from our group together with our collaboration partners from Tübingen and Pisa publishes a paper on Strong Circularly Polarized Luminescence of an Octahedral Chromium(III) Complex in Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 13078-13081.
Steffen Treiling, Florian Reichenauer and Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from Tübingen, Kaiserslautern and Montreal publish a paper on Luminescence and Light-driven Energy and Electron Transfer from an Exceptionally Long-lived Excited State of a Non-innocent Chromium(III) Complex in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 18075-18085. The publication is also highlighted as a cover and at JGU press releases.
Johannes Moll gave an oral presentation and Matthias Dorn presented a poster at the 2nd Meeting of the PP 2102 Light-controlled reactivity of metal complexes" in Düsseldorf.
Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from Berlin and Bonn publishes a paper on Photochemie: Bindungen aktivieren und Redoxreaktionen in Nachr. Chem. 2019, 67, 67-71.
Winald Kitzmann successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from Berlin and Bonn publishes a paper on Photochemie: Licht und Leuchten bei 3d-Metallen in Nachr. Chem. 2019, 67, 54-59.
Florian Reichenauer successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Alexandra König successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Cristina-Maria Hirschbiegel successfully finishes her bachelor thesis - congratulations!
Nils Schewe successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Prof. Christian Reber (University of Montreal, Canada) joins our group as guest professor. Welcome!
Johannes Moll from our group together with our collaboration partners from Paderborn publishes a paper on Excited state kinetics of an air-stable cyclometalated iron(II) complex in Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 11826-11830..
Lukas Sorge successfully finishes his master thesis - congratulations!
Laura Stein successfully finishes her master thesis - congratulations!
Oliver Back successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Sebastian Preiß successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Alexandra König joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Cristina-Maria Hirschbiegel joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Giuseppe Bengasi from our group together with our collaboration partners from LIST in Luxembourg publishes a paper on Reactivity of Nickel(II) Porphyrins in oCVD Processes – Polymerisation, Intramolecular Cyclisation and Chlorination in Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 8313-8320.. This paper has been highlighted as "Hot Paper".
Matthias Dorn gave an oral presentation and Johannes Moll presented a poster at the 1st Meeting of the PP 2102 Light-controlled reactivity of metal complexes" in Bonn.
Sven Otto was awarded the Forschungsförderpreis 2019 der Vereinigung Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V. for his outstanding PhD thesis in chemistry. Congratulations.
Matthias Dorn gave an oral presentation and Johannes Moll and Lukas Sorge presented posters at the 15th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in München.
Sven Otto from our group together with our collaboration partners from Stuttgart (Joris van Slageren) publishes a paper on Chromium(III)-based potential molecular quantum bits with long coherence times in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, 21, 6976-6983..
Philipp Veit, Carla Volkert and Christoph Förster from our group together with our collaboration partners from Paderborn (Matthias Bauer) publish a paper on Gold(II) in Redox-Switchable Gold(I) Catalysis in Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 4615-4618.. The paper was also highlighted as a cover.
Winald Kitzmann joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Jessica Muziol joins the group for her Master project - welcome.
Maurice Schrick and Patrick Becker presented posters at the 17th Ferrocene Colloquium in Rostock.
Giuseppe Bengasi from our group together with our collaboration partners from LIST in Luxembourg publishes a paper on Conductive Directly Fused Poly(Porphyrin) Coatings by Oxidative Chemical Vapour Deposition – from Singly to Triply Fused in Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 2368-2375..
Sebastian Preiß from our group together with our collaboration partners from Rostock (Stefan Lochbrunner) and Paderborn (Matthias Bauer) publishes a paper on Gold(II) Porphyrins in Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions in Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 5940-5949..
Oliver Back and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Alkali Blues: Blue-emissive alkali metal pyrrolates in Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 6542-6552.. The paper is also highlighted as a cover in the journal Chemistry - A European Journal.
Our deuterated molecular ruby recently published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 1112-1116 has been highlighted in the Trendberichte der Anorganischen Chemie 2018.
Our deuterated molecular ruby recently published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 1112-1116 has found its way to the standard textbook of Modern Inorganic Chemistry Moderne Anorganische Chemie, chapter 3, page 599. - Congrats.
Giuseppe Bengasi from our group together with our collaboration partners from LIST in Luxembourg publishes a paper on Conductive Fused Porphyrin Tapes on Sensitive Substrates by a Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach in Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2019, 58, 2103–2108..
Sven Otto and Matthias Dorn from our group together with our collaboration partners from BAM in Berlin publish a paper on Luminescent TOP Nanosensors for Simultaneously Measuring Temperature, Oxygen, and pH at a Single Excitation Wavelength in Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 2337–2344..
This paper has been selected as "paper of the month" at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung in Berlin. Congrats to all coworkers for this great success!
Maurice Schrick joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Nathan East joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Nils Schewe joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Florian Reichenauer joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Laura Stein joins the group for her Master project - welcome.
Taro Lieberth joins the group as a lab assistant - welcome.
Our group hosted the SPP 2102 Kickoff Meeting in Mainz with more than 60 participants.
Steffen Treiling receives his diploma degree (University of Mainz) - congrats.
Our group together with our collaboration partners from the Gasser group in Paris publishes a paper on the Biological Evaluation of the NIR-Emissive Ruby Analogue [Cr(ddpd)2][BF4]3 as a Photodynamic Therapy Photosensitizer in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 37-41.
Winald Kitzmann was awarded the GLK Award for his outstanding bachelor thesis in chemistry. Congratulations.
Christian Heine receives his diploma degree (University of Mainz) - congrats.
Marius Werner finishes his master thesis (University of Mainz) - congrats.
Lukas Sorge joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Lucas Kleinort joins the group as a trainee - welcome.
Our group together with collaboration partners publishes a review on Dpdd as expanded terpyridine: dramatic effects of symmetry and electronic properties in first row transition metal complexes in Inorganics 2018, 6, 86.
Christoph Förster and Patrick Becker publish a paper on A Ferrocenyl Amino Substituted Stannylene as an Intramolecular Fe->Sn Lewis Adduct in Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2018, 644, 1057-1063.
Sven Otto successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Christian Reber twittered a nice comment and photo.
Our work on highly NIR emissive metal complexes with earth-abundant metal ions has been highlighted in in SciTech Europa Quarterly 2018, 28, 97.
Sven Otto, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners Cui Wang and Ute Resch-Genger publish a paper on A strongly luminescent chromium(III) complex acid in Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 12555–12563. The paper is also highlighted as a cover in the journal Chemistry - A- European Journal.
Sven Otto and our collaboration partners Joe Harris and Christian Reber publish a paper on Molecular ruby under pressure in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 11069-11073.
Christian Reber twittered a nice comment. This study was also highlighted at JGU press releases.
Kristina Hanauer and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Redox-controlled stabilization of an open-shell intermediate in a bioinspired enzyme model in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2018, 3537-3547. The paper is also highlighted as a cover with an author profile and a press release in the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.
Prof. Christian Reber (University of Montreal, Canada) joins our group for four weeks as DAAD guest professor. Welcome!
Matthias Dorn, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners Luca Carrella and Eva Rentschler publish a paper on Structure and electronic properties of an expanded terpyridine complex of nickel(II) [Ni(ddpd)2](BF4)2 in Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2018, 644, 706–712.
Sven Waniek, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partner Jan Klett publish a paper on Polysubstituted Ferrocenes as Tunable Redox Mediators in Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 1004-1015.
Patrick Becker joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Anna Riede joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Carla Volkert joins the group for her Bachelor project - welcome.
Oliver Back gave an oral presentation and Johannes Moll and Matthias Dorn/Sven Otto presented posters at the 14th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in Heidelberg. The whole group was present at this meeting.
Sven Wanieck gave an oral presentation and Christian Heine, Philipp Veit and Max Lauck presented posters at the 16th Ferrocene Colloquium in Berlin. Max Lauck got a best poster award. - Congratulations.
Sven Otto presented a poster at the Mainz Mini Symposium Emerging Trends in Molecular Magnetism/ Spintronics Emerging Trends in Molecular Magnetism/ Spintronics.
Steffen Treiling joins the group for his Diploma project - welcome.
Sven Otto, Matthias Dorn and our collaboration partners publish a review on Understanding and Exploiting Long-lived Near-infrared Emission of a Molecular Ruby in Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 359, 102-111.
Sven Otto, Matthias Dorn and our collaboration partners publish a paper on Deuterated Molecular Ruby with Record Luminescence Quantum Yield in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 1112-1116.
This paper has been selected as "paper of the month" at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung in Berlin. Congrats to all coworkers for this great success!
Max Lauck and Christoph Förster publish a paper on N-Cobaltocenium amide as reactive nucleophilic reagent for donor-acceptor bimetallocenes in Organometallics 2017, 36, 4968−4978.
Laura Büldt from the group of Prof. Michael Seitz (Tübingen) joins the group for performing some experiments - welcome.
Marius Werner joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Christian Heine joins the group for his Diploma project - welcome.
Thomas Reuter joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Matthias Dorn joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Sven Otto, Johannes Moll and our collaboration partners from Berlin publish a paper on Three in One Crystal: the Coordination Diversity of Zinc Polypyridine Complexes in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 5033–5040.
The minireview on The Quest for Mononuclear Gold(II) and its Potential Role in Photocatalysis and Drug Action in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 16126–16134 is now online.
Johannes Moll and Philipp Veit presented posters at the GDCh Wissenschaftsforum in Berlin.
Johannes Moll, Giuseppe Bengasi, Oliver Back and Philipp Veit attended the ORCA summerschool in Gelsenkrichen.
Kristina Hanauer successfully defended her PhD thesis - congratulations!
Andreas Mengel successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Thomas Reuter receives his master degree (University of Mainz).
Johannes Moll gave a short talk at the 1. Kölner Ligandendesign-Workshop 2017.
Sven Otto returned from a successful research stay at the group of Prof. Christian Reber (University of Montreal, Canada).
The Impulsfonds der Forschungsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz supports our collaborative research under the programme LESSING (Light-inducEd Sensitizing, Switching and ImagiNG). Partners from the Institutes of Inorganic Chemistry (Katja Heinze, Eva Rentschler), Organic Chemistry (Pol Besenius, Till Opatz) and Physical Chemistry (Thomas Basché) will adress the utilization and generation of light.
Sven Otto presented a poster at the 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Toronto/Canada.
Christoph Kreitner was awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim Award for his dissertation at the Dies Academicus 2017. Congratulations.
Sebastian Preiß, Christoph Förster and our collaboration partners from Mainz, Halle and Paderborn publish a paper on the Structure and reactivity of a mononuclear gold(II) complex in Nat. Chem. 2017, 9, 1249-1255. Click here for shared link access. This study was also highlighted at JGU press releases and in the Trendberichte der Anorganischen Chemie 2017.
Sven Otto and our collaboration partners from Mainz, Rostock and Berlin publish a paper on Photo-Chromium: Sensitizer for Visible Light-Induced Oxidative C-H Bond Functionalization – Electron or Energy Transfer? in ChemPhotoChem 2017, 1, 344-349. This paper is highlighted as a cover article featuring a cover profile.
Ronja Beichler receives her master degree (University of Mainz).
Sven Otto and our collaboration partners Norman Scholz, Thomas Behnke and Ute Resch-Genger from BAM publish a paper on Thermo-Chromium: A Contactless Optical Molecular Thermometer in Chem. Eur J. 2017, 23, 12131-12135. This paper is part of the Special Issue 150 years of German Chemical Society GDCh. This study was also highlighted (among others) at JGU press releases, in Allgemeine Zeitung 8.6.2017, in Photonik 03/2017, in Novus Light Technologies Today 06/2017 and in GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 2017, 8.
Andreas Mengel, Christian Bissinger, Matthias Dorn, Oliver Back and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Boosting Vis/NIR Charge Transfer Absorptions of Iron(II) Complexes by N-Alkylation and N-Deprotonation in the Ligand Backbone in Chem. Eur J. 2017, 23, 7920-7931. This paper is highlighted as a frontispiece.
The DFG funds 17 new Priority Programs. The Priority Program "Light controlled reactivity of metal complexes" has been initiated by and will be coordinated by Katja Heinze. See JGU press release and Photonik 03/2017.
Oliver Back and Sven Otto presented posters and Sebastian Preiß got a best oral presentation award at the 13th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in Potsdam. - congratulations.
Johannes Moll joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Winald Kitzmann joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Philipp Veit presented a poster and Max Lauck got a best oral presentation award at the 15th Ferrocene Colloquium in Mainz. - congratulations.
Our group hosted the 15th Ferrocene Colloquium in Mainz with more than 140 participants from over 12 countries. A press release appeared in Nachr. Chem. Tech. 2017, 65, 689 Ferrocen-Chemiker treffen sich in Mainz [DOI: 10.1002/nadc.20174064197]
Sven Wanieck joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Max Lauck and Christoph Förster publish a paper on Cobaltocenium Substituents as Electron Acceptors in Photosynthetic Model Dyads in J. Organomet. Chem. 2017, 847, 33-40.
Sven Waniek receives his diploma degree (University of Mainz).
Johannes Moll receives his master degree (University of Mainz).
The DFG supports our research on chromium(III) emitters Near-Infrared Light Emitting Chromium(III) Complexes - Design and Applications for three years. This is a collaborative research project with the group of Dr. Ute Resch-Genger from the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung (BAM - Biophotonics) in Berlin.
Torben Kienz successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Giuseppe Bengasi joins the group for his PhD project - welcome.
Thomas Reuter joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Nils Schewe joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Torben Kienz and Christoph Förster publish a paper on the Generation and Oligomerization of N-Ferrocenyl Ketenimines via Open-shell Intermediates in Organometallics 2016, 35, 3681–3691
Ronja Beichler started her Master project at Merck.
Oliver Back and Philipp Veit presented posters at the 3Met Conference 2016 in Kaiserslautern.
Sven Otto and Sebastian Preiß presented posters and Sebastian Preiß got a best poster award at the 18th Wöhler-Tagung in Berlin. - congratulations.
Kristina Hanauer, Min Thu Pham and Christoph Förster publish a paper on the Solution Conformation and Self-Assembly of Ferrocenyl (Thio)Ureas in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 433-445
Andreas Neidlinger and Christoph Förster publish a paper on responsive ferrocenyl-phenol conjugates"Confirmational Switching of Multi-Responsive Ferrocenyl-Phenol Conjugates" Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 4852–4864.
Oliver Back, Jana Leppin and Christoph Förster publish a paper on the Photo- and Redox Chemistry of an Unsymmetrical Bimetallic Copper(I) Complex in Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 9653-9662
Christoph Kreitner successfully defended his PhD thesis with distinction - congratulations!
Sven Otto presented a poster and got a best poster award at the 42nd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Brest (France). - congratulations.
Shadab Gharaati joins the group as a Humboldt Post Doc - welcome.
The Dalton perspective article of Christoph Kreitner on Excited State Decay of Cyclometalated Polypyridine Ruthenium Complexes: Insight from Theory and Experiment has been published in Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 13631-13647. This perspective is highlighted as a cover article.
Philipp Veit and Christoph Förster publish a paper on On the Mechanism of Imine Elimination from Fischer Tungsten Carbene Complexes in Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 1322-1333.
The group presented the most recent AK overview poster 2016 at the 6th Mainzer AK Symposium organized by the JCF in Mainz.
Christopher Brenig returned from his research stay at Prof. Bernhard Kräutler's group (Univ. Innsbruck, Austria) and submitted his diploma thesis.
Johannes Moll joins the group for his Master project - welcome.
Christoph Kreitner, Andreas Mengel and our collaboration partners publish a paper on Strongly Coupled Cyclometalated Ruthenium Triarylamine Chromophores as Sensitizers for DSSCs in Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 8915-8928
Lukas Sorge joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Sebastian Preiß and Oliver Back presented posters and Sven Otto gave a talk at the 12th Koordinationschemietreffen in Kiel.
Christoph Kreitner publishes a paper on The photochemistry of mono- and dinuclear cyclometalated bis(tridentate)ruthenium(II) complexes: dual excited state deactivation and dual emission in Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 5640-5658
Constantin Haese joins the group for his Bachelor project - welcome.
Ephraim Prantl and Max Lauck presented posters and Philip Veit gave a talk at the 14th Ferrocene Colloquium in Konstanz.
Our DFS mass spectrometer is now working routinely.
Sven Waniek joins the group for his Diploma project - welcome.
Sven Otto is elected as a junior member of the Gutenberg Academy for Young Researchers. Congratulations.