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The Heinze group made a nice hicking trip Kletterweg Mittelrheinsteig with mixed phantastic/rainy weather.

Alexander Fischer, Moritz Förster, Alexandra König, Sandra Kronenberger and Steven Sittel presented posters at the 29th Lecture Conference on Photochemistry (LCP 2024) in Mainz. Steven Sittel was awarded a poster price. Congratulations! Katja Heinze received the Theodor-Förster Memorial Lectureship 2024 by the GDCh Division of Photochemistry.

Winald Kitzmann (now at MIT) presented a poster and Katja Heinze gave a talk at the 45th ICCC in Fort Collins (Colorado, USA).

Philipp Sikora presented a poster and Katja Heinze gave a talk at the 29th PhotoIUPAC in Valencia.

Winald Kitzmann successfully defended his PhD thesis with the highest grade - congratulations!

Winald Kitzmann, Florian Reichenauer, Steven Sittel and Laura Stein presented posters at the 25th ISPPCC 2023 in Ulm/Germany.

Philipp Sikora gave an oral presentation at the French, Swiss and German Conference on Photochemistry, Photophysics and Photosciences CP2P’23 in Mulhouse/France.

Alexandra König and Franka Philippi presented posters at the 2nd SPP 2102 meeting in Rostock.

Nathan East gave a flash oral presentation/poster and Philipp Sikora presented a poster at the 21st Conference on Inorganic Chemistry in Marburg. Philipp Sikora got a best poster award. - Congratulations.

Laura Stein gave an oral presentation at the 28. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry in Düsseldorf.

Florian Reichenauer gave an oral presentation and Philipp Sikora presented a poster at the 19th KCT in Jena.

Maurice Schrick gave an oral presentation, Lukas Sorge presented a poster and Katja Heinze gave an invited lecture at the 44th ICCC in Rimini/Italy.

Nathan East and Winald Kitzmann presented posters at the 24th ISPPCC and Katja heinze gave a pleanry talk in Vancouver/Canada. Winald Kitzmann got a best poster award. - Congratulations.

Paul Kadereit gave an oral presentation at the 5th Ligand Design Workshop in Cologne/Germany.

Philipp Sikora and Steven Sittel presented posters at the 28th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry in Amsterdam/Netherlands.

Katja Heinze has been selected as a finalist in Engineering and Technology for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2022.

Katja Heinze was awarded the Elisabeth and Prof. Dr. Horst-Dietrich Hardt Prize 2022 [press release Saarbrücken] [press release JGU]

Laura Stein, Winald Kitzmann and Florian Reichenauer presented posters and Katja Heinze gave an oral presentation at the Leopoldina Symposium: Exploratory photochemistry - Light creates structure 2021 in Halle/Germany.

Oliver Back successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
Matthias Dorn gave an oral presentation and Johannes Moll and Lukas Sorge presented posters at the 15th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in München.

Oliver Back gave an oral presentation and Johannes Moll and Matthias Dorn/Sven Otto presented posters at the 14th Koordinationschemie-Treffen in Heidelberg. The whole group was present at this meeting.

Sven Wanieck gave an oral presentation and Christian Heine, Philipp Veit and Max Lauck presented posters at the 16th Ferrocene Colloquium in Berlin. Max Lauck got a best poster award. - Congratulations.

09/2017 Johannes Moll and Philipp Veit presented posters at the GDCh Wissenschaftsforum in Berlin.