Team – Who is who

Permanent staff (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Christoph Förster
Room 2.225 03-112
phone+49 6131 39-22107
ORCID logoORCID 0000-0003-4971-5368
ResearcherID B-2038-2016
Research: X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, DFT and multireference calculations; novel carbenes and stannylenes
Teaching: inorganic chemistry, NMR, UV/Vis, IR spectroscopy
laboratory supervisor of the inorganic chemistry ACF-1 lab course
vice laser protection officer
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jan Klett
Room 2.222 01-118
phone+49 6131 39-27276
ORCID logoORCID 0000-0002-0055-5335
ResearcherID N-6270-2017
homepage Jan Klett
Research: Schlenk techniques, Raman and IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, DFT calculations, office
Teaching: inorganic chemistry
Dr. Robert Naumann
Room 2.225 03-135
phone+49 6131 39-27243
ORCID logoORCID 0000-0002-0912-7644
Research: static and time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy, time resolved absorption spectroscopy, photocatalysis
Teaching: inorganic chemistry, photochemistry
laboratory supervisor of the FunMolMat lab course
laser protection officer
Dimitri Zorn
Dimitri ZornRoom 2.225 00-114
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Ligand syntheses, organometallic complexes, coordination chemistry, HPLC, HLIC, enantiomer separation
PhD, bachelor and master students, HiWis and postdoctoral researchers (in alphabetical order)
M.Sc. Alexander Fischer
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel chromium, molybdenum and tungsten complexes and photocatalysis
M.Sc. Moritz J. Förster
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-24420
Dynamics of CT-PhotoPCET with Metal Complexes
M.Sc. Alexandra König
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel vanadium complexes
M.Sc. Sandra Kronenberger
Sandra KronenbergerRoom 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-24420
Novel photoactive manganese and nickel complexes
B.Sc. Elena Meßmer
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Photoactive chromium complexes with functions
M.Sc. Julian Neuner
Julian NeunerRoom 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-24420
Photocatalysis with strongly oxidizing chromium catalysts
Dr. Sareh Paziresh
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-24420
AvH postdoctoral fellow working on novel tungsten and niobium complexes
M.Sc. Franka Philippi
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel iron complexes
M.Sc. Philipp Reichert
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel molybdenum-acceptor dyads
M.Sc. Thomas Reuter
Thomas ReuterRoom 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-24420
Carbene complexes of iron and other 3d metals
M.Sc. Joan Sander
Room 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel photoactive metal complexes
M.Sc. Philipp Sikora
Room 2.225 03-131
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Luminescent tetrel complexes
M.Sc. Steven Sittel
Steven SittelRoom 2.225 03-124
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Novel chromium complexes and photocatalysis
Seminar room
Room 2.225 03-136
phone+49 6131 39-24420
Computer room
Room 2.225 03-135
phone+49 6131 39-27243
Transient absorption spectroscopy
Room 2.121 -01-236
Optical spectroscopy
phone+49 6131 03-111
Phone +49 6131 39-23918
EPR spectroscopy & stopped flow
phone+49 6131 03-110
Phone +49 6131 39-25927